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Haberdashers' Hatcham Free School

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Mrs Masterson, Ms George-Jones and Miss Stiles have created a range of Music and Art resources for you to work on at home. Each piece of work or project will be labelled with the age group that it is aimed at and the length of time it should take to complete (although you're free to complete any of the projects that you fancy!).

If you email through any work, please indicate if you are happy for it to be displayed online by completing this online form.

 Click here to see guidance on 'Thinking Points', our way of organising thoughts on paper.

Click here for a list of additional websites covering music, art, design, comics and lots more!

Don't forget to keep in touch!

For General Website Enquiries/Art Gallery

Miss Stiles


For Visual Art Projects

Ms George-Jones


For Music Projects

Mrs Masterson






 One Minute Sculptures

A project for All Ages inspired by Artist Edwin Wurm. Click here for the Powerpoint.


Wax Resist Painting

A project to experiment with wax crayons and paint aimed at Reception and Key Stage 1. Click here for the Powerpoint.


Combing Paint Technique

For this you will need paint and either a painting 'comb' or a regular comb! It's aimed at Reception and KS1. Click here for the Powerpoint.


Masking Tape Resist Painting

This activity can be carried out by all ages (younger children will need more support but those in KS2 can do this independently). Click here for the Powerpoint.


Matisse's Snail Painting and Collage (with Martha the Dog and Elmer the Elephant!).

This is aimed at Reception and Year 1. Click here for the Powerpoint.


Year 6 Art Project

For this project, there is a Powerpoint outlining all the steps you'll need to complete your piece. There are also 6 accompanying videos (see below). The Powerpoint tells you which video to use. The whole project could take up to 12 hours to complete and will be a wonderful reminder of all of the things that make up you!

Click here for the lessons Powerpoint.

Click here for the additional resources Powerpoint (you'll need these for Lesson 1).


Video 1 (Tracing and Transferring your image)

Video 2 (Small Colour Pencil Drawing)

Video 3 (Graffiti your Name with Colour Pencil)

Video 4 (Painting your Composition)

Video 5 (Adding Pattern with Colour Pencil)

Video 6 (Finalising your Painting)


3 self-portrait ideas for younger children


Watch an introduction by Ms George-Jones


Make a portrait in the style of Andy Warhol

Click here for the accompanying Powerpoint.


Make a portrait in the style of Roy Lichtenstein

Click here for the accompanying Powerpoint.


Make a portrait in the style of Jean-Michel Basquiat

Click here for the accompanying Powerpoint.


Make an observational portrait

Click here for the accompanying Powerpoint.


Other Art Projects


Target Age: This activity is aimed at older children, but all ages could enjoy it with help from an adult.

Duration: This could take from 1 hour to as long as you'd like to spend on it. You will recreate a famous piece of Art using props and then taking a photo of it.

Target Age: All Ages! Everyone could enjoy this and it's right up the alley of children in Reception. I'd love to see what you come up with!

Duration: This could take anywhere from 30 minutes upwards.

*If you don't want to waste a whole vegetable, you could chop the end off before you start using it to paint!

Target Age: This activity is for children in Year 3 who are studying Shakespeare (or for any other Shakespeare fans!).

Duration: This could take from 1-2 hours. The powerpoint takes you on a journey through the world of Anthony van Dyck and Shakespeare with Doctor Who!

Target Age: All Ages!

Duration: This could take from 1 hour to as long as you'd like to spend on it. You'll be recreating a hat from one of Matisse's paintings. Look at how much fun Ms George-Jones had making hers!

Target Age: All Ages! Everyone could enjoy this and it's right up the alley of children in Reception. I'd love to see what you come up with!

Duration: This could take anywhere from 30 minutes upwards.

*If you don't want to waste a whole vegetable, you could chop the end off before you start using it to paint!


Matisse's Hat video...

Strange and Wonderful Paintbrushes video...


Target Age: This activity is aimed at Years 3-6

Duration: This will take 1-2 hours. It involves copying some Art works by Van Gogh and Joshua Reynolds and then comparing them.

Target Age: All Ages!

Duration: You'll need to open in Powerpoint and view the slideshow in order to access the sound clips from Mrs Masterson...

Target Age: All Ages!

Duration: Click on the image to see a message from Ms George-Jones. She's been in touch with the Telegraph Hill Covid19 Mutual aid group, and they would like some rainbow pictures. 

Target Age: This activity is aimed at Years Reception-6.

Duration: The activity should take 1 hour.

Target Age: This activity is aimed at Years 1-6.

Duration: The activity should take 1 hour.

Target Age: Reception, Year 1 & Year 2, but can be extended to Years 3-6 through the use of colour mixing to extend colour tones.

Duration: You will need 30 minutes to look at slides 1-18. These slides explore different types of art. The Art activity that followed will take 2-3 hours.

Target Age: This activity is aimed at Years 1-6.

Duration: The activity should take 1 hour.

Target Age: This activity is aimed at Years 3-6. It includes a Compare and Contrast activity on slide 3 and some Art activities on slides 4-8.

Duration: The activity should take 1 hour.

There are images to print on slides 5-8, but these can also be hand drawn if you are unable to print. 




Welcome to the Music Zone! Here you will find Music activities for different year groups. If you'd like some ideas for short musical activities to do each day, click here for the Key Stage 2 30-day Music Challenge. For the Reflection Log to go with the activity, click here.

Greetings from Mrs Masterson!

Hello everyone! I have devised a series of activities that you can dip in and out of when you want. The main resource you should use is the 'KS2 Music Menu' (click here). Here you will find 8 different activities to explore. For some of the activities you will need extra resources. For example; if you choose to do the 'Music interview' task, there is an interview template that you can use to conduct the interview - click here. For an editable Word version, click here.
If you choose to do the 'Listening Diary' exercise, there is also a template that you can use to complete this task - click here. For an editable Word version, click here.
The activity with the most supporting resources is 'Learn a Pop Song'. This activity has some song sheets that you can use if you want to play on an instrument that you have at home e.g. guitar, piano etc. - click here and here for supporting audio files.
The other activities on the menu don't require any additional resources once you have clicked the web link. 
Good luck and enjoy making music!



Here's a 30 minute lesson from Mr Palekar aimed at children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Click here for a worksheet to go with the video.



Here is an introduction and song from Mrs Masterson for Year 3 pupils (following on from your previous work on songs from The Tempest).



Week 7



Week 5


This term, the year 1s are looking at the history of Lewisham. Follow the video from Mrs Masterson to learn about famous local concert halls and Musicians. This week you're going to listen to some songs by Elton John. Click here for a worksheet to help you respond to a piece of music.




Week 5


After seeing such a wonderful work on Jimi Hendrix, our next local musician who grew up close to our school is... Katy B! The music will sound different from last week's video, can you think why? You can fill in the Music Responses sheet while listening to the music in the video. Keep those photos of your work coming in! 


Listen to Mr Palekar and have a go at the task. For a colour response sheet, click here and for a black and white version, click here.


Week 4


This term, the year 2s are looking at the history of Lewisham. In this video, we are taking a look at Jimi Hendrix who once lived in Lewisham! You can fill in the Music Responses sheet while listening to the music in the video. We would love to see some photos of your work! 


Listen to Mr Palekar and have a go at the task. For a colour response sheet, click here and for a black and white version, click here.



Week 7

Mrs Masterson's Introduction


Song 4 Lesson


Song 4 Sing-a-long

Week 5


Here's a new song based on The Tempest with a different sort of rhythm. It fits in nicely with the work that you're doing to describe Prospero's island!


Sing along with the videos below...


Who wants to be set free? Is Prospero keeping someone captive? Click here to visit the BBC Music pages to find out more.

Week 4


This is the introduction from Mrs Masterson to your new music project based on Shakespeare's The Tempest! You're going to learn two songs this term and your first one is called 'Rock the Ship'.


Click on the two clips below for the next steps. The first video shows you the song and then you can have a go at singing along.


These clips are from the BBC Music pages all about The Tempest. Click here to visit the BBC and find out more about the first part of the story through song!.




Ongoing Project


We're obviously really disappointed that we won't be able to put on a musical this term, but as we can't all be together, we're going to try and get you all together to perform on our screens!


Our first song that we'd like you all to sing and record is 'When I Grow Up' from Matilda. Listen to Mrs Masterson's instructions for how to record yourselves and send your videos to Miss Stiles or Mrs Masterson (or your class teachers) so that we can create a chorus!





Week 7


Week 5


As your new topic is 'Blue Planet', you're singing task is all to do with under the sea.


If you've seen Disney's The Little Mermaid, then you'll know this song!

Week 4


As your new topic is 'Blue Planet', you're singing task is all to do with under the sea.


If you've seen Disney's The Little Mermaid, then you'll know this song!


The two videos below help you to start learning the song...